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Employee Referral Programs: Is Your Next Sales Rep Just One Connection Away?

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - December 27, 2023

Birds of a feather flock together, and so do top performers!  That means your best employees are probably connected to a handful of people who would make great additions to your sales team. Don’t rush into an extensive search for job candidates. Ask your employees who they might know for the role.  Prepare to ask

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Don’t Make These 7 Offer Stage Mistakes

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - December 19, 2023

You’ve found the perfect candidate for your open position, and it’s time to extend an offer. If you stumble in the process and make offer stage mistakes, you may end up losing top talent in your candidate pool. We’ve identified seven major offer stage mistakes companies make and how you can fix each one.  Mistake

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Mastering Sales Management: 8 Sales Leadership Qualities Required for Success

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - December 15, 2023

Today’s sales leaders need more than selling skills to succeed in sales management. Sales leadership qualities that foster a thriving sales culture are crucial.  The sales leadership qualities that set strong sales leaders apart are rooted in a commitment to ensuring their sales team is well-equipped and engaged. These leaders offer their team members resources

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4 Reasons to Consider Hiring Hybrid Sales Reps

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - November 27, 2023

Hybrid work is a great solution for companies that want to take advantage of the benefits of remote work without losing the benefits of in-office engagement. These are the four most popular reasons our sales recruiting clients choose to hire hybrid sales reps: #1 Increased Productivity A report by Aon Consulting showed that some organizations

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8 Steps for Creating a Culture of Success in Sales

by Kyle Fletcher | Published on - November 24, 2023

Skilled sales representatives should easily achieve their own independent goals. But what sets genuinely great sales representatives apart is that they contribute to creating a culture of success. This results in a team that can rely on each other, which will increase not only revenues but also job satisfaction. Company culture can even ripple into