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ARR vs. ACV: Understanding Key Metrics for SaaS Businesses

by Brent Thomson | Published on - March 13, 2024

Software as a Service (SaaS) has become one of the fastest-growing segments in the technology industry, and for good reason. With its subscription-based pricing models and on-demand software accessible online, SaaS businesses offer convenience and flexibility that traditional software companies cannot match.  However, measuring the health and success of a SaaS business is more complex

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32 Motivational and Funny Sales Quotes To Brighten Your Workday

by Brent Thomson | Published on - February 13, 2024

A good laugh can help ease stress and reinvigorate a salesperson’s drive toward sales success in the fast-paced and often pressure-filled sales world. Humor is an essential tool for lightening the mood and fostering a positive sales environment, be it through clever sales memes circulating in office emails or the witty banter between colleagues.  If you’re searching

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3 Sales Coaching Techniques to Enhance Team Performance

by Brent Thomson | Published on - January 5, 2024

Good sales managers know the value of constructive feedback. Great managers know that sales coaching takes feedback to another level.  With the proper sales coaching techniques, sales leaders can bring out the best in their team, increase conversions, and promote a thriving sales culture.  1. Personalize Goals Even if your sales representatives know the goals

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5 Steps to Negotiating Salary in the Recruitment Process

by Brent Thomson | Published on - January 3, 2024

If you’re a top performer and know you deserve to be paid top dollar, salary negotiation is likely in your future. Prepare proactively by creating a salary negotiation strategy.  Step 1: Do Your Homework What are other professionals in your industry and role making?,, and are great places to research before salary

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How to Hire Salespeople Outside Your Industry

by Brent Thomson | Published on - December 20, 2023

While industry experience in a job candidate is great, the lack of it is not a deal breaker. Having a skilled recruiter and a clear hiring strategy allows you to identify relevant sales skills. These skills can be transferred from another industry to yours. In addition, you can use these three tips to amplify your