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One-on-One Meeting Templates

We’ve collected wisdom from sales leaders on how to run efficient and performance-focused one-on-ones with reps. One-on-One Agenda Template Download the template as a PDF Jump to: One-on-One Meeting Agenda Template Sample One-on-One Questions for Managers The importance of one-on-ones for sales teams One-on-ones are an important platform for developing trust and rapport between sales

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Heart and Sell: One-on-One Interview with Shari Levitin

Today’s buyers are overwhelmed with too much information — delaying purchasing decisions and resulting in lost sales. In order to compensate, several sales professionals are either over-accommodating or creating high pressure which alienates prospects in the process. So, how does a salesperson meet sales targets while satisfying the customer’s desire for a heartfelt, authentic sales approach? Shari

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The 7 Biggest Mistakes Made at the Offer Stage

According to the Boston Consulting Group, of every HR practice, recruitment processes have the most significant impact on revenue. Companies that effectively recruit the best candidates exhibit 3.5x the revenue growth of competitors that poorly manage their recruitment efforts. This article will break down the biggest mistakes hiring managers make at the offer stage –

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17 Statistics To Improve Cold Calling

Debate rages between sales experts that advocate cold calling is “dead” or “dying”, and those who see it as  “rising from the dead”, “not dead”, or only “semantically dead.” The truth is, sales tactics traditionally referred to as cold calling are still very much alive and is an important strategy utilized by sales management in high-growth companies (Profit

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3 Easy Steps to Social Selling

Social selling; it’s not asking about your client’s weekend or their kids.  It’s about utilizing social media to increase sales.  Do you know how it works and should your sales reps even care? Sales has always been about doing business with people you know.  Networking and leveraging relationships through meetings, conferences, organizations, etc., has been

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How to Make Friends and Influence People using Social Media

Now more than ever, sales and marketing are tied at the hip, with marketing driving leads and the sales function, particularly in small companies, engaging customers online. The art of making friends and influencing people online through the use of social media has become so important in businesses and jobs that many people now make