VP of Sales Job Description Template
FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPYPeak’s guidance on defining the role of the Vice President of Sales is often requested and while different companies have different sales mandates and priorities, the primary responsibility is to deliver the right revenues; be that defined as a hard number, growth target, profit target and/or a market share goal. Companies that fail to attract the right VP Sales can forget about hitting aggressive growth targets.

In order to attract a great VP Sales, it is essential to have a winning job description.
The following document outlines each section of a job description, its purpose, and how to optimize it to attract passive candidates. Each section details examples of key points to outline, which can be tailored to your organization. Finally, a template is provided for you to create your own job description with ease.
Complete the form below to obtain your free copy and start creating new job descriptions that are sure to attract top sales leaders.
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